5D+ Training for Teachers and Administrators
Posted on 08/10/2017
Tammy Jackson from the Michigan Association of Secondary Principals (MASSP) will be traveling to DSISD to provide training for our local teachers and principals in the use of our teacher evaluation tool, The Five Dimensions of Teaching and Learning (5D+). Her three-hour workshop will focus on learning targets and the Purpose dimension of 5D+. These workshops will take place in both Delta and Schoolcraft Counties on Tuesday, August 29. The morning session will be held at Manistique High School from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. The afternoon session will be held at Escanaba High School from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Teachers and principals only need to attend one of these sessions. Contact Doug Leisenring at [email protected] or 906-786-9300 ext. 102 if you have any questions.