2016-2017 EIPA Assessment Video Conference Workshops
Sponsored by DSISD and MDE-LIO
October 7, 2017
December 2, 2017
February 10, 2018
April 7, 2018
Location: Delta-Schoolcraft ISD, 2525 Third Avenue So, Escanaba, MI 49829
The EIPA Diagnostic Center is excited to offer four video conference workshops for the 2017-2018 school year. The workshops are designed for
interpreters working in K-12 classroom settings, community interpreters with an interest in educational interpreting or supporting educational
interpreters, future interpreters, K-12 interpreter mentors, deaf educators and individuals supervising or working with educational interpreters.
October 7, 2017 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. (EST)
Roman Numeral III: Back to the Basics; Unpacking the Foundational Skills
Frances J. Beaurivage, EIPA Consultant/Evaluator; Bethany Koubsky, BS, RID CI/CT, EIPA Coordinator/Evaluator
The intent of this training is to give an overview of the skills measured in Roman Numeral III. This section of the EIPA measures the candidate’s
foundational skills including the ability to recognize and deliver key vocabulary. Participants will focus on how to determine key vocabulary and
if other words in a text should be fingerspelled to support literacy development. In addition to knowing when to fingerspell, the goal is to produce
fingerspelling with clarity and accuracy. We will also discuss the importance of selecting signs that convey the appropriate semantic intent. This
presentation has been approved for 0.4 MI BEI/EIPA Professional Studies CEU units, and 0.4 MI CEU Educational units. Partial units will not
be awarded. Participants will receive a certification of attendance as documentation.
December 2, 2017 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. (EST)
Roman Numeral IV: Unpacking Discourse Mapping
Dr. Deborah Cates, PhD, Sign Language Program Coordinator, Iowa School for the Deaf
As with processing, much of discourse mapping occurs “behind the scenes”. Part of message processing is generating mental map of the
relationships between pieced of information or ideas in the message. Typically, mental maps look like webs. While these maps are useful for
thinking about and contextualizing information, they do not help with producing spatially-based discourse maps in an interpretation. This
workshop will review a method of discourse mapping that can move from text to a structured interpretation making relationships in the message
overt. This presentation has been approved for 0.4 MI BEI/EIPA Professional Studies CEU units, and 0.4 MI CEU Educational units. Partial
units will not be awarded. Participants will receive a certification of attendance as documentation.
February 10, 2018 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. (EST)
Roman Numeral II: Unpacking Sign to Voice Essentials
Frances J. Beaurivage, EIPA Consultant/Evaluator; Bethany Koubsky, BS, RID CI/CT, EIPA Coordinator/Evaluator
The intent of this training is to review th elements important to Roman Numeral II: sign to Voice. Participants will focus on matching the signer’s
register and affect. We will view a variety of child signers and focus on word choices that reflect the register of the child. Individuals will learn
how to avoid extraneous verbiage that distracts from the message and how to develop a more fluent representation of the signer’s ASL/PSE into
spoken English. This presentation has been approved for 0.4 MI BEI/EIPA Professional Studies CEU units, and 0.4 MI CEU Educational units.
Partial units will not be awarded. Participants will receive a certification of attendance as documentation.
April 7, 2018 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. (EST)
Roman Numeral I: Unpacking Use of Space and Classifiers
Jonathan Scherling, BA, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Omaha
This workshop will guide participants through Roman Numeral I, which focuses on the use of classifiers and space. Native ASL user and ASL
professor, Jonathan Scherling, will work with attendees to develop a better understanding of classifiers and when they are appropriate to
incorporate. Participants will also work with organizing the message in visual space to make their interpretations more visually clear and concise.
MDCR-DODDBHH has approved MI CEU Sponsorship for this Workshop with MDE-LIO for 0.4 Professional Studies
units and 0.4 Education units. Partial MI CEU Sponsorship CEUs will not be awarded for this event and participants
will receive a Certificate of Attendance as documentation.
To register, please contact Sue Argall at (906) 786-9300 ext. 201 or [email protected]. Cost of registration for
individuals outside the DSISD area is $25. This conference is “live” with no time allotted for lunch. You may bring your
own lunch if desired.