In addition to the digital resources that are being shared with families, you might want to consider low-tech alternatives that encourage creativity, collaboration, and family connection. Take the challenge and commit to four (4) activities a day and enjoy your time together! 

Some important things to remember:

  1. Maintain a consistent routine (bedtime, get dressed every day, monitor/limit screen time).  
  2. Check-in devices before bedtime and charge them in a common area.
  3. Talk about what is happening with your children in age-appropriate ways.
  4. Roleplay with your child.
  5. Eat meals together without personal devices.
  6. Be sure to get outside and stay active.
  7. Keep in mind that learning can happen anywhere!

Free Educational Activities

USA Today

Talking to Children about COVID-19

Learning can happen anywhere

Virtual Field Trips

Farm Food 360

San Diego Zoo

Discovery Education


Popular Education Websites

Hearing, Vision, and Related Services at Home

K-12 Math Activities

How to use Zoom

How to use Google Hangouts