In addition to the digital resources that are being shared with families, you might want to consider low-tech alternatives that encourage creativity, collaboration, and family connection. Take the challenge and commit to four (4) activities a day and enjoy your time together!
Some important things to remember:
- Maintain a consistent routine (bedtime, get dressed every day, monitor/limit screen time).
- Check-in devices before bedtime and charge them in a common area.
- Talk about what is happening with your children in age-appropriate ways.
- Roleplay with your child.
- Eat meals together without personal devices.
- Be sure to get outside and stay active.
- Keep in mind that learning can happen anywhere!
Free Educational Activities
USA Today
Talking to Children about COVID-19
Learning can happen anywhere
Virtual Field Trips
Farm Food 360
San Diego Zoo
Discovery Education
Popular Education Websites
Hearing, Vision, and Related Services at Home
K-12 Math Activities
How to use Zoom
How to use Google Hangouts